The Great Indian Litter Bug starts with general talk about keep city clean campaign . you are advised not to throw waste on roads , public places , garden or for that matter any places.we hear that among monkeys that if one monkey starts doing some tricks the other would follow the same.This holds very true for our great Indian litterbug . litter A starts throwing waste in public and talks to litter B saying "I dont know why these people throw waste in public places,cant they throw the same in dustbin?you cannot change these people".Litter B follows the footsteps of litter A , throws few more waste like wrapper and reply to litter A saying " Yes what you say is true , I cannot understand why people do throw as roads are dustbin.Cant they read the advertisement stating DO NOT LITTER". After a couple of minutes Litter C passes that way eating banana and after he completes eating throws the skin and leaves that place.He thinks internally in his mind saying "Why are we not keeping the city clean?only god should come and save all " .Seeing all litter masters A,B and C what D does the same which we can refer here as Blame game.When the cycle completes until Z is reached , that is the litter Z passes by the same location does the same. But this time it would be huge litter as one could see the effect of alphabets.One could say how the alphabets form sentences similarly the The Little Litter Littest becomes biggest and greatest Indian Litterbug.Again the same story continues in same order.When Litter A comes to the same spot where he started all this , He and his litter friend B would be shocked to see the dump of garbage grown like a mountain . They would talk to each other again but this time in angry mood.A starts telling to B saying "See this how people keep the city clean , How much ever you tell to these people they would not listen at all "
Litter A-Z is combined to form The Great Indian Litter Bug . This example holds good for monkey to monkey trick.I think its better to put a sign board something like "PLEASE LITTER HERE" so that at least all will be aware that they have something to throw at that place rather than throwing wherever one likes Or something like a large area where one can say that 'Please throw until this area' so that the area after that place would be clean.
This reminds me of break the rules kind of thing where i will do what i am not supposed to do. This post is written for Indiblogger for an initiative by times of India
Litter A-Z is combined to form The Great Indian Litter Bug . This example holds good for monkey to monkey trick.I think its better to put a sign board something like "PLEASE LITTER HERE" so that at least all will be aware that they have something to throw at that place rather than throwing wherever one likes Or something like a large area where one can say that 'Please throw until this area' so that the area after that place would be clean.
This reminds me of break the rules kind of thing where i will do what i am not supposed to do. This post is written for Indiblogger for an initiative by times of India